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  • How many Coaching / Hypnotherapy sessions will I need?
    Everyone is unique so my services are completely bespoke to whatever comes up for you during the process. For NLP Life and Executive Coaching I offer blocks of 6 or 12hrs as a good start point. These can be used in any combination of 60-90min sessions. This allows time to get to the root of the issue and explore options, as well as offering different options for affordability and length of commitment. Everyone is different and how many sessions you require is based on your symptomology and what you want from the sessions. ​ Simple, specific phobias for example, can be tackled in just 4sessions. More general anxiety may take a little longer. We will discuss this in your Discovery Call and initial session. ​ Ultimately you are in control of your sessions. If you are confident that you have had enough sessions , then I will encourage you to do so. Ethically speaking, I follow the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH) and American Board of NLP (ABNLP) code of ethics that includes a commitment to assisting clients in the quickest way possible. I offer Power Hours for clients who have completed a 6/12hr and want a "top up". Alternatively, you can book another 6/12hr block. ​ The majority of my clients attend weekly / fortnightly for best results. ​
  • How do I book appointments and where does Coaching / Hypnotherapy take place?
    BOOKING APPOINTMENTS: 1) Book a free 30minute discovery call where we can talk about your hopes and expectations for your Coaching / Hypnotherapy experience and ensure a good fit. 2) When you have paid for your Coaching / Hypnotherapy Plan, you will receive: - a link to the appointment system so you can book your sessions - a Client Profile to complete in advance of session 1 3) Complete and return the Client Profile to be returned by email a minimum of 48hrs prior to your first session. This is really important, and is actually the beginning of the coaching process. It also provides me with information to enable me to tailor your coaching specifically to you, as all my coaching programmes are completely bespoke. If Appointment availability is listed in the Calendly system. I have appointments available in the evening and at the weekend at no additional cost. ONLINE APPOINTMENTS: When you book, a Zoom link is automatically generated. At the start time for your session, just click on the Zoom link. Clients are responsible for ensuring privacy and a good internet connection FACE-TO-FACE APPOINTMENTS For face-to-face appointments, just note in the comments section of the appointment system (Calendly) that it is a "face-to-face" appointment. In person appointments take place in The Coaching Cube, my private coaching and hypnotherapy space in the grounds of my home in Oakwood, North Leeds. Please see the "Policies and T&C's" page for full details
  • What are your qualifications?
    Please see my Credentials page for full details of my experience and qualifications.
  • What is NLP and why should I work with a Coach trained in it?
    Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is like having an instruction manual for running your mind to get the results you want. It is concerned with the meaning we attach to events and things that happen to us, and how that meaning makes us feel and it helps you to understand how language affects your thinking and your behaviour. When you understand how you think, you can start to choose how you want to run your mind instead of being at the mercy of unhelpful and unconscious thinking patterns. It helps you to manage your emotions and behaviour to create new, empowering ways of being that lead you to whatever you want to create in your life. NLP is easy to learn and apply and it can completely transform your life. When our beliefs, capabilities and behaviours work together in alignment, your life experience is fulfilling and the result is that you can easily and effortlessly access anything you want. NLP is also a set of attitudes and beliefs that focus on your own view of the world as it is now, and as you want it to be. You are unique. Nobody else in the whole world has your experience, thoughts, hopes or fears. From a place of total respect for your unique view of the world, together we can explore values and beliefs, and lots of NLP techniques to find out what works for you. we do this through attitudes of curiosity and exploration. While we can't go back in time and change the events in our past, we can change how we feel about them now, and what we want going forwards. If you want a more technical explanation.... NLP involves how our brains (neuro) receive and interpret information through our senses, how we use language (linguistics) and the way we interpret events in our lives, that leads to our behaviours, what we do and our habits (programming) that generate the results we get. Using NLP techniques you can actually reprogramme how your brain works and dramatically speed up the transformative effects of coaching. Neuro: is all about what we THINK – how we receive and process all the information we take in all the time consciously and unconsciously, and how we distort, delete and generalise this information. Linguistic: is all about what we SAY, both verbally and non-verbally and how we communicate with other people and ourselves. It is how we label our experience. ​ Programming: is all about what we DO. This involves our habits, and the strategies we have for doing what we do.
  • What is Coaching?
    Coaching is similar to sports coaching in the sense that the Coach uses their tools and techniques to guide and support the athlete to explore new options and transcend limiting beliefs, and it is the athlete who commits to the work, takes the action and fully owns the results. Coaching could be described as helping you to realise your dreams, tackle issues effectively, gain clarity and focus, and achieve goals consistently. It is about exploration and insight as we set about supporting you in changing any area of your life that feels out of alignment or problematic, going all in on a goal, or figuring out what goals to set when you can't get a picture of exactly what you want. You might have an issue or a goal in any area of your life e.g, Work / career Finance Relationships (friendships and romantic relationships) Leisure and recreation Health and Wellbeing Personal growth Physical environment (and any other meaningful life area for you)
  • How is NLP Coaching different from other related professions?
    Some therapies focus on past experiences whereas in my NLP Coaching, past experiences are considered within an overall focus on your present and future. Coaches tend to offer more bespoke packages than Counsellors, and NLP Coaching is not currently available on the NHS which is a shame because a good Coach can be great support for your overall wellbeing aspirations, helping you manage stress and move forward in life. Counselling and Psychotherapy The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BCAP) defines counselling and psychotherapy as: “umbrella terms that cover a range of talking therapies. They are delivered by trained practitioners who work with people over a short or long term to help them bring about effective change or enhance their wellbeing.” Teachers / Trainers Teachers and trainers generally work from a prepared syllabus/agenda. Wherever the teaching takes place, there will be a planned approach and a specific time frame used. Effectively the learners learn what the teacher or trainer delivers. While coaches prepare before a session, the approach is much more fluid and revolves solely on the wants, needs and values of the Coachee. It is a collaborative process and, together, we explore the path that takes us down. Mentoring Mentoring is a relationship where one party knows more about a particular “thing” than the other, and wants to pass on their learning and experience for the benefit of the Mentee. This relationship can be formal or informal and tends to have key elements including; improving performance, career development, sharing knowledge. In coaching we start from a different place, that is you have all the resources you need to achieve the outcomes / results you want. The Coaches job is to use conversational techniques to assist the client to access and develop their resources to find their own solutions.
  • What is the relationship between NLP Coaching and Mental Health?
    Coaches are not (unless specified) qualified to diagnose or treat health-related problems, however, I am also a Clinical Hypnotherapist so I am qualified to relieve health related symptomology. Please see "Hypnotherapy FAQ's" for further information about this. I am also licenced by Mental Health First Aid England as a Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor and as such, I train other people in spotting signs and symptoms of common mental health issues including; anxiety, depression, suicide and psychosis, self-harm and eating disorders. While I train people to support the mental health of young people in the context of the specific issues and pressures young people face, the mental health principles apply equally to adults. This means I am excellently placed to signpost to offer appropriate support with common mental health issues. Please not that I do not diagnose or treat mental health issues, nor do I offer a crisis service. If you are in a mental health crisis please call 999, or seek support from your GP.
  • Am I ready for NLP Life Coaching?
    The following questions are good incidators that NLP based Life Coaching is right for you... Do I want change in my life? Am I really ready to address this issue in my life? Do I want to invest the time and energy, and really commit to doing the work to make changes in my life? Am I ready to take 100% responsibility for getting the results I want?
  • What is Hypnotherapy?
    Hypnotherapy has been described as “a process which induces relaxation, distraction of the conscious mind, heightened suggestibility, and increased awareness, allowing access to the unconscious mind through the imagination. It also produces the ability to experience thoughts and images as real” -Krasner In hypnotherapy I induce deep, deep relaxation and positive suggestions to communicate directly with the unconscious mind, encouraging positive change. When you are in this deeply relaxed state, your unconscious is more open to suggestion. In this state I use advanced hypnotherapy techniques to help you get the results you want. I am also a Clinical Hypnotherapist which means I am highly trained to be able to use advanced hypnotherapy techniques to assist my clients with a wide range of health-related goals. See my Clinical Hypnotherapy page for information on the range of health and wellbeing issues I can help with.
  • What does Hypnosis feel like?
    In short, hypnosis feels deeply, deeply relaxing and there is huge value in doing hypnotherapy for the relaxation effects alone, although I use advanced hypnotherapy techniques to support a wide range of coaching and health related goals. The hypnotic trance state is a completely natural state. We all experience trance every day e.g., daydreaming, or if you have ever driven from A-B with little conscious recollection of the detail of the journey. ​
  • Will you make me do something embarrassing or something I don't want to do?
    In hypnosis I cannot make you do anything you don't want to do. In fact, all hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis. You practice learning how to go into trance and either choose to follow the instructions, or not. If I asked you to do something you didn't want to do, or that made you feel uncomfortable, you would simply not follow the instruction. I follow the American Board of Hypnotherapy's code of ethics and use hypnotherapy only for the purpose of assisting my clients to make the positive changes they want to get the results they desire.
  • Does Hypnosis work for everyone?
    Everyone can go into trance if they choose to follow the instructions and practice makes perfect! The more your practice going into trance, the better you get at it and the quicker you can achieve deep trance state. Some people are more suggestable than others, but this is really all about how open you are to trusting me as your hypnotherapist, and following my instructions. Trust is vitally important. It is also why I only accept new clients after a free Discovery Call where we can assess fit.
  • What can Hypnotherapy be used for?
    Hypnotherapy is especially helpful for habits and stress-related symptomology. It is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as a treatment for IBS, and recognised as being highly effective in relieving symptomology with a wide range of health and wellbeing goals. As well as using hypnotherapy within coaching, I currently offer a range of Clinical Hypnotherapy solutions - the Clinical Hypnotherapy page for full details.
  • Will I lose control or reveal secrets in Hypnotherapy?
    No! In Hypnotherapy, you achieve a state of super awareness and focus unlike anything else. You are fully aware of what you say, and I cannot make you say or do anything. In hypnosis you are more aware than in the normal waking state and able to select information accordingly. You are totally in control and fully aware of yourself and your environment. You can stop at any time of your choosing. Hypnosis is about rapport between the hypnotherapist and the client. The client either chooses to follow the instructions, or not.
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© 2023 by Sue Orwin.

Photography: Maryanne Scott

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